Small, agile and state-of-the-art: Dorner ASP stands for "Application Service Providing". We provide concrete manufacturers with software programmes via the Internet. These cloud solutions were a pioneering achievement when we were founded in 2000, and they continue to impress today with their availability, security and continuity.
„Our software services are an ideal solution for the building materials industry. We experience continuous development and innovations as a joyful challenge.“
We can only develop solutions such as our laboratory programme or our delivery note portal if we fully understand the world of our customers. Therefore, every software developer regularly experiences concrete in action. Only when we test concrete ourselves can we understand the user's workplace. The combination of different ways of thinking from theory and practice leads to the best results.
Unsere Büros befinden sich in der Ostschweiz im Wild-Heerbrugg-Areal. Wir arbeiten in jenem Gebäude, in dem einst die wissenschaftliche Abteilung der Optikfirma Wild untergebracht war. Heute dominiert das Hightech Unternehmen Leica das Quartier. Wir profitieren nicht nur vom innovationsfreudigen Klima dieses Standorts, sondern auch von der Nähe zu den Universitäten und Fachhochschulen. Gut ausgebildete Programmierer schätzen die Freizeitqualitäten.
New cements and admixtures are changing concrete production. The use of recycled materials is constantly increasing. This brings new challenges to ensure concrete quality. We have been cooperating with research institutes such as the ZHAW Zürcher Fachhochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften and the Fachhochschule OST for 10 years in order to gain new insights. The software we have developed from this not only saves concrete manufacturers money, but also reduces CO2.